Friday, 16 April 2010

Basic Tools required for Cardmaking

It was lovely to see so many new faces at Craft Club on Tuesday, I found this article in a magazine and thought it would be useful for the new people. If you click on the picture it will enlarge it so you can read it, but it gives a list and description of the basic tools needed.

I hope you all enjoyed the class and look forward to seeing you next month.

Friday, 2 April 2010

Check out this blog - Crafty Cardmakers

One of the Docraft members set up this blog a while ago, it is aimed at less confident crafters and begginer bloggers. There is a new challenge every other Monday which you can take part in, even if you don't have a blog you can enter by email.

Best of all there are some brilliant tutorials by Vicky from basics of stamping, to colouring, to setting up your own blog.

Just click on the link to take you there and add to your favourites for next time.