Tuesday 16 November 2010

Christmas meal and subs

The Christmas meal will be at The Hesketh, Liverpool Road, Rufford, L40 1SB on Tuesday 14th December at 7.30.

Here's the menu (click on the image for larger pic)

Please could you let me know if you are coming and what your choices off the menu are as I need to confirm this when I book the table, a nonrefundable deposit has to be paid so please check your diaries.

The meal is 14.95 per head but as previously mentioned, club will pay 10.00 per person.

I'd just like to make everyone aware that this is only possible because there is a substantial amount in the kitty. The annual subscription paid in November is a big part of this and also helps to cover the rent when we have months where few members are present. If you have not already paid your 12.00 for the forthcoming year, please could I ask that you pay in January.

With regard to Christmas cards, in the past we have each taken a card and put them into a raffle system, whereby we all get one card back. So if you would like to bring one with a blank envelope and we will do that again, also it is Swarn's birthday in December.

Look forward to seeing you all and having an enjoyable evening.

Sunday 31 October 2010

November meeting

Hello everyone,

Hope you all enjoyed the Stampin Up demo last time.

This month we will be making Easel Calendars

and this lovely Three King's Favour box inspired by an article in Magnolia Ink, if there isn't enough time you can always do one at home.

I have got the Calendar tabs so you just need to bring your basic cardmaking stuff. You will need a scoreboard and narrow double sided sticky tape for the box. The calendars don't have to be Christmassy as they will be on display throughout the year. This is one way of making sure people don't throw all your hard work in the bin and the favour boxes make nice little gifts or will look great on the dinner table on Christmas day.

The annual subscriptions are due this month. For the new people this means we pay 12.00 per year then every meeting including this month is 2.00 not 3.00. So you will need to pay 14.00.

This month's birthday's are Tina (it's a special one too) and Linda.

The Christmas meal will be on 14th December (usual second tuesday). Please check your diaries and confirm if you will be able to make it and I will let you have further details.

See you next week.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

October's meeting - Stampin' Up demo

Ooo I'm looking forward to this one I can have a rest and let someone else show you what to do lol.

As I mentioned in my email a couple of week's ago I've booked a Stampin' Up demonstrator, Keren Baker to come, you can see her blog if you click on her name.

Just to confirm the cost will be 3.00 per person but this will be paid instead of usual subs. We will each make 3 cards then be able to browse the catalogue and order any lovely goodies. If you spend 15.00 or more you will get your 3.00 back and if the clubs order totals over 150.00 we get some freebies.

All orders must be paid for on the night either by cash or cheque with a set p+p of 1.00 per person. Goods will be ordered as soon as any cheques have cleared and will be sent to myself, this should take about 7 days.

The latest catalogue can be found here (this has changed since the other link I gave you)

and if you want some inspiration the Splitcoaststampers site has a gallery specifically for all the sets of Stampin' Up stamps.

The meeting will be the usual time but may run over 9pm, thought I'd let you know so you don't have to dash off.

If you could please bring with you your basics ie cutting mats, scissors, knifes, tape and also your birthday card for Marie.

Looking forward to seeing you all, don't forget your pennies!

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Septembers meeting - Paper piecing

Hello, hope you are all well, it's September - hooray! Peace and quiet, kids back at school and more time for crafting.

This month we are going to make a card using the paper piecing technique, great for using your scraps up and for those that aren't brilliant at colouring.

You will need the usual to make your card, a stamp of your choice (if you bring an image you will need the image stamped onto patterned papers as well) and co-ordinating papers.

It's Chris's birthday this month so don't forget your birthday card.

I've come across some good tutorials for colouring on the Lili of the Valley website which you can find here and also a handy list of basic colours in promarkers and copics which you can print off.

It's a bit early but what do you think about the idea of a Christmas night out for the December meeting? Nothing fancy or expensive, thought about an early evening meal at the Italian in Tarleton or the Hesketh Arms in Rufford. We can put a contribution in from the club kitty and split the difference. Let me know what you think next week.

See you then

Thursday 5 August 2010

August Meeting - Altered Notebook

Hello everyone,

Hope you are all well, where on earth has summer gone? Typical now it's school holidays, never mind, got Craft Club to look forward to next week.

We will be altering notebooks,

Notebooks will be provided but you will need to bring:

Patterned Papers (to cover front and back you will need 2 pieces of 12x12 or A4
Co-ordinating papers for matting and layering
Embellisments ie flowers, ribbons, buttons
Sentiment if you wish

These are really easy, just like making a card, but make lovely gifts.

We also have two birthdays this month Margaret Brown and Chelsea, so please don't forget to bring a card for them.

Looking forward to seeing you all.

Wednesday 7 July 2010

July meeting - Masking

Hello again,

Can't believe another month's gone by, soon be Christmas, lol.

Hope you all enjoyed last month's colouring lesson. Hopefully we can have a Part 2 and show you how to use the Prisma pencils and Watercolours we didn't get round to.

On the subject of colouring, Hobbycraft have got a big summer sale on and the packs of 5 Promarkers are only 4.74 Cheaper than anywhere online at the moment. Preston had loads in the other day.

Inspirations (formerly Cardcraft plus) have got lots of lovely things including a good choice of the Magnolia "Tilda" stamps, as well as Copic Sketch markers at 4.99 each and the Ciao's which are 2.29 each.

Right, on to this months topic, we will be doing "masking" showing you how to combine background stamps with character stamps.

If you have any stamps that you think would work together please bring them along, as usual I have plenty to borrow.

At long last we have a birthday this month, so if you could all bring a birthday card for Sheila.

Finally, fingers crossed if she is feeling up to it Tina will be joining us, will be lovely to see her back.

Wednesday 2 June 2010

June meeting - Colouring

Hello everyone,

Well it looks like summer has returned today, thank goodness. Hope you are all well and looking forward to next week's meeting.

This time we won't be making a card but looking at different colouring mediums, Promarkers, Copics, Prisma pencils and Watercolours. Wendy and I will show you how we use them and hopefully you can pick up some tips or vice versa if you do something different we can learn from you.

If you could bring some stamped images or stamps that you'd like to practise on that would be great and whatever you use to colour with.

When using Promarkers/Copics you need to use Memento ink and coated card so I have invested in some for the club box along with a couple of sets of Promarkers then everyone can have a go.

One of my blogging buddies Creative Coops has just put a great Promarker Tutorial on her blog and you can find it here her cards are amazing and have been an inspiration to me, go and have a look.

Here's another tutorial this time for Skin colour using Copics. You will find lots great tips and techniques for all sorts of things on this blog

and here's one for using Prisma's.

If you look on You Tube there are lots of tutorials.

Right that's it for now, got to go to Stamper's Gallery, can you belive I've run out of double sided sticky tape!

See you on Tuesday

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Another successful evening

As promised a photo of tonight's creations, hope you all had a lovely evening, I am so pleased everyone is enjoying it. I'd just like to say thank you to Marie for helping the newer people out and Wendy and Tina we missed you.

Left to right, top to bottom
Sarah, Chris, Sheila
Linda, Marie, Margaret B
Sue, Ron, Chelsea

Did anybody else "tweak" their's when they got home? I added some flowers to mine.

See you all next time for some colouring lessons.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

May meeting - Easel Card

Hello everyone, it's that time again. Hope you are all well.

First of all I have a bit of bad news. Tina won't be joining us for a little while, unfortunately two days after our last meeting she suffered a stroke. The good news is she in on her way to recovery and came home after just two weeks in hospital, but has a long hard journey in front of her. I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing her well as quickly as possible. If anyone would like to send her a card I will gladly pass them on.

This month we will be making an Easel Card and using border punches, really simple to make but looks great.

You will need to bring:-

Two same size card blanks (any size will do)
Papers/Coloured card
Stamps or Image to fit your chosen card size
Embellishments - Brads, flowers, ribbon etc

plus your basic tools

If you have any border punches please bring them, if not there will be some to use.

I happened to notice The Glitter Pot have got some lovely new Penny Black stamps in, these were what we used last month. Why not have a look and see if any jump in your basket!

We do not have any birthdays this month but Marie came up with the idea to display all our finnished cards on a table, so we can get ideas from each other. I will bring my camera and take a picture to put on here afterwards.

See you on Tuesday 11th.

Friday 16 April 2010

Basic Tools required for Cardmaking

It was lovely to see so many new faces at Craft Club on Tuesday, I found this article in a magazine and thought it would be useful for the new people. If you click on the picture it will enlarge it so you can read it, but it gives a list and description of the basic tools needed.

I hope you all enjoyed the class and look forward to seeing you next month.

Friday 2 April 2010

Check out this blog - Crafty Cardmakers

One of the Docraft members set up this blog a while ago, it is aimed at less confident crafters and begginer bloggers. There is a new challenge every other Monday which you can take part in, even if you don't have a blog you can enter by email.

Best of all there are some brilliant tutorials by Vicky from basics of stamping, to colouring, to setting up your own blog.

Just click on the link to take you there and add to your favourites for next time.

Wednesday 31 March 2010

April Meeting

Well, so much for British Summer Time, hasn't the weather been awful. Hope you've all have a good Easter and got plenty of crafting done over the Bank Holidays.

I'd just like to say thank you for all my birthday cards. With all my friends from Docrafts I got over 30 handmade cards! I enjoyed spending all my birthday money at the Leigh show and think I led Tina astray, we had a lovely day and bumped into Mary and Joyce.

Margaret I hope you had a lovely birthday too and look forward to seeing you in June.

You will notice it's Elsie's birthday this month. She has not been for the last couple of months as she has been in and out of hospital and is undecided as to whether she is coming back. I will bring a card for everyone to sign rather than all make individual ones. Hope this is okay.

Right on to this month's project we are having a Penny Black theme and will be making a Zig Zag card. If you have any Penny Black stamps please bring them along with you, if not, there will be plenty to borrow.

You will need:

Two card blanks - I have used square ones but will work with A5
Backing papers
Penny black stamp(s) - appropriate size for card blank of your choice
Score board/Tool

Usual basics

See you Tuesday 13th.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

March meeting

Hello ladies, well another month is here so that means time for another crafty get together.

This month we will be making a Diamond Top card

You will need to bring:

Score Board / Tool
Cutting mat / Knife / Scissors
Double Sided Tape

A4 card
Backing papers
Stamps / Topper
Any embellishments

Also this see the Birthday list for cards you need to bring this month.

You might like to know Inspirations formerly Cardcraft Plus at Preston now sell Magnolia (ie Tidla) Stamps and also have a few Gorjuss Girls.

Looking forward to seeing you all again next week, there will also be a couple of little surprises!

Monday 15 February 2010

Dates for your Diary

There are a few Craft Shows coming up so thought I would post them on here. I have been to the one at Leigh which is only small but very well stocked and not too far.

Would love to go to Aintree and Port Sunlight but I'm not a very adventurous driver, although now I have SatNav might have to venture to at least one of them.

13th March - Sincerely Yours at Leigh Sports Village, WN7 4JY
Tickets 3.00 10.30 am - 4 pm

20th - 21st March - The Great Northern Papercrafts Extravaganza - Great Yorkshire Showground, Harrogate, HG2 8PW

23rd-25th April - Aintree racecourse

8th May - Port Sunlight, Hulme Hall, Port Sunlight, CH62 5DH

Sunday 14 February 2010


Good Evening ladies and welcome to our new blog.

We are hoping by doing this we can relieve Wendy from her role as Editor of the Newsletter. We all appreciate how much time she puts into it despite working full time. Also this way you can add the blog to your Favourites and refer back to it.

I am hoping to post top tips and put some links on to my favourite websites and blogs (just click on the picture to take you there), if any of you have any you'd like to share please let me know.

I hope you all enjoyed our meeting last week in which we made a Trifold card and that you will all try it again at home.

Wendy, Tina and myself had a "committee" meeting which was a great success and as you will see have come up with some great ideas for future meetings quite far in advance.

I will put details of next months project and list of materials nearer the time.